Lead generation for EZIE

By offering specialized eCommerce solutions and services, EZIE, founded in 2021, assists eCommerce merchants and digital brands/retailers in expanding and scaling their online operations. EZIE has offices throughout Southeast Asia, with its headquarters in Singapore (Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, and soon Vietnam & Thailand). They have VC funding and well-known business angels from the eCommerce sector, and they are expanding quickly. Their goal is to support global eCommerce digital sellers in growing their businesses.
Sales Leads

The challenge

The client requested that we generate leads from a Taiwan-based e-commerce website called “Shopee.” Our client wanted to expand their business by providing their delivery service to the sellers selling their products on this particular website. Therefore, they asked us to extract a list of all retailers and their details so that they can extend their services to them. They also asked us to find the e-mail addresses and phone numbers to contact the sellers.

Because of the large number of sellers selling their products on Shopee, manually opening, and checking all of the seller profiles appears to be nearly impossible.

The solution

As a result, we used web scraping and web crawling technologies to automate this process. Our data processing technology assisted in extracting the data much faster and without making the targeted website suspicious. To find the contact information we used our in house email and phone number finder code so that our client can contact his customers easily. When the process was completed, we provided a list of seller names, along with their number of followers, joining history, rating, page URL, usernames, product category, number of products sold, number of items sold, email addresses, and phone numbers. We provided this information in an Excel file that the client could easily access.

The outcome

We were able to extract information from that website from around 700+ sellers thanks to this scraper. EZIE can now directly contact the potential sellers and broaden their client base with the scraped data. Web scraping saved a lot of time, money, and effort for all the parties involved by searching and analyzing every detail of the sellers. Given that the entire procedure is automated, this method also produced accurate data, which also makes it more reliable.

This web scraping service can be extended to any website or application. If you want to gather such information from any online business or website, just let us know and we’ll be happy to assist.

Why to use our web scraping service?

  1. To enable dynamic pricing models in real-time, compare the costs of comparable items across all competitors.
  2. Utilize competitive knowledge and expertise to completely transform your pricing approach.
  3. Find the list price, selling price, and discount for every product at each rival’s current price.
  4. For every SKU, find the exact match, and keep an eye on price changes. Chart each product’s price evolution.
  5. Be informed of fresh discounts and offers.
  6. Set the appropriate pricing for each SKU that is neither too high nor too cheap and applies to all channels and times.
  7. Utilize real-time matching and product discovery to maximise your inventory.
  8. Keep up with your own precise product profiles.
  9. Find new markets for your items or categories.
  10. Know as soon as your suppliers launch a new brand line so you can instantly add the SKUs to your website.
  11. Extract all product information and gain access to the competitor’s product catalogue and inventory status
  12. Measure consumers ’ opinions
  13. Recognize changes in customer demand and rapidly pinpoint products that are becoming more or less popular with consumers.
  14. Find out which products and sectors are popular in each country.
  15. Verify design, variety, and merchandising choices to make sure the commercial offer is appropriate.
  16. Recognize the obstacles potential clients confront by understanding their path.
  17. Concentrate your marketing initiatives on top sales.

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